How the world’s greatest train made me want to blog

Moments Between Places

Those who travel have a backpack full of tales… When I go on a journey, I look forward to capturing the beauty I see through my train window. And until recently, that has been the only thing I wanted to share with “the whole world”, but an incredible trip has recently reminded me that there is so much more to the magic of travel. I want to use these pages to give you an insight into what happens behind the photos. I will tell you about the places at the beginning and the end of my journey, about the people I meet and the thoughts that move me. I’d be thrilled if you join my adventure for a bit.

The World’s Greatest Train

As I’m writing this (Oktober 2021), I am just back from the train journey of a lifetime. The Connecting Europe Express was one of the European Year of Rail’s most emblematic initiatives. Crossing 26
European countries in 36 days, this special one-time train was on a mission to inspire and connect Europeans everywhere. 40 railway partners worked hand in hand to make this project possible and to promote sustainable transport and travel. I wanted to be a part of this project from the moment I first heard about it, and I had the honour and the privilege to be on board for the first half of the journey. I started sharing about this journey on my Instagram account, and didn’t only post the landscapes I saw, but also shared my thoughts and experiences. This is when I realized how great is is to not only show artistic works, but share human stories or even (dramatic music)… a picture without blur!!!

Opening my Diary to the World…

Blogging is new to me, and most likely it’s my perfectionism that had stopped me from ever trying. That and the feeling that I might not have anything important to say. But I’ve practised sharing imperfect posts on my journey, I simply didn’t have the time to polish everything up. And I got such lovely feedback, and started deep conversations that mean so much to me. So now I’m curious how I’ll take to the blogging format, and looking forward to hearing your feedback. I’ll start by reworking my Instagram content into blogposts, for those amoung us that don’t feel at home in the Facebook empire…
When my current projects settle down a bit (Calendar, reworking the website, establishing print processes), I’ll start writing exclusive content for the blog. About railway history, the magic of travelling, about perception and the love of nature. I have enough ideas, and I’m happy to hear yours!